junk bond

美 [ˈdʒʌŋk bɑːnd]英 [ˈdʒʌŋk bɒnd]
  • n.风险债券,垃圾债券(利息高、风险大,常用于迅速集资进行收购)

复数: junk bonds

junk bondjunk bond


business 商风险债券,垃圾债券(利息高、风险大,常用于迅速集资进行收购)
a type of bond that pays a high rate of interest because there is a lot of risk involved, often used to raise money quickly in order to buy the shares of another company

junk bond


  • 1
    N-COUNT 垃圾债券,风险债券(利息高,风险大,用于集资建立、收购新公司等)
    If a company issues junk bonds, it borrows money from investors, usually at a high rate of interest, in order to finance a particular deal, for example the setting up or the taking over of another company.


a (speculative) bond with a credit rating of BB or lower;issued for leveraged buyouts and other takeovers by companies with questionable credit
Synonym: high-yield bond


  1. Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term junk bond king .


  2. In Europe , high-yield and bank lending the more traditional arenas are critical , with many bankers and analysts showing signs of frustration that policymakers have not sought to address the problems of the dormant junk bond market .


  3. More recently , there have also been some flows into junk bond funds .


  4. A lot of people could get squeezed if the junk bond market dries up .


  5. Once a country is in the " junk bond " category , no reputation is left .


  6. Like after the junk bond bubble of the 1980s , lawsuits may hit Wall Street for years to come .


  7. Best buy already was a junk bond deal before the latest financial guidance , which means that today it smells even worse .


  8. He asks . Do they realise it is a fluctuating junk bond fund and not a safe money market fund ?


  9. China 's securities regulator launched a junk bond market in 2012 , officially called small and medium-sized enterprise private-placement bonds .


  10. Junk bond spreads are now exactly where they were at the height of optimism in April 2010 .


  11. The problem : The junk bond market will soon face a double whammy : higher interest rates and a wall of maturities .


  12. Valuation is tough , too , with 17th century royal headwear even less liquid than junk bond ETFs .


  13. In contrast , the overall junk bond market has a total return for 2014 at 4.17 per cent , after a price loss of some 2 per cent .


  14. A construction material manufacturer in eastern Jiangsu province last year became the first junk bond issuer to default , but a guarantor eventually repaid investors .


  15. With US oil prices falling below $ 71 a barrel , attention has focused on the implications for the junk bond and leveraged loan markets .


  16. Obviously , there were accidents and scandals , in the junk bond market in particular , but the net effect was overwhelmingly good for trade and prosperity .


  17. These projections , coupled with government support measures for the capital markets , have sparked a big rally in junk bond prices , with an associated fall in yields .


  18. Junk bond spreads now signal a 48 % chance of a recession , according to Martin fridson , global credit strategist at BNP Paribas Investment Partners .


  19. Stocks have recouped more than half of their losses and junk bond borrowers now face interest rates near all-time lows , compared with near 20 per cent rates one year ago .


  20. The amount of debt carrying the highest risk of default is rising as a proportion of the junk bond market , prompting fears the next cycle of corporate failures could be more severe than the last .


  21. Instead , investors ' funds have been drawn in particular to the potential growth of US and Asian companies , in a year that has been one of the strongest for equity and junk bond fundraisings .


  22. As a result , the cost of borrowing for companies with stronger finances , and even for those with junk bond ratings , has generally been flat or even falling over the past month , irrespective of the turmoil ( see chart ) .


  23. Junk BondA bond that is rated by a ratings agency as being below investment grade and investment in the bond is high risk .


  24. For many investors , the focus of concern is the high-yield , or junk , bond market , where the riskiest borrowers come to raise funds .


  25. The emerging markets ' bond index is doing " quite well " under the circumstances , he said , with spreads lower than those of the US corporate ( junk ) bond market index .


  26. The amount of money raised in the junk dim sum bond market reached a record high in the second quarter , driven by a rising Chinese property market and the worldwide search for higher-yielding assets .


  27. Junk bonds are newbies : No one knows exactly how the junk bond market will react to rising interest rates because it 's never really experienced them before .
